The Remy V-Ta
Fresh, Fruity, Sour||

The Rémy V-Ta

The Rémy V-Ta – a fresh, playful new take on a margarita starring Rémy V.

5 MIN medium Tumbler


serves: 1

2 oz Rémy V
½ oz Cointreau
¾ oz Fresh lime juice
¼ oz Simple syrup
Lime wedge

60 ml Rémy V
15 ml Cointreau
25 ml Fresh lime juice
7.5 ml Simple syrup
Lime wedge

6 cl Rémy V
1.5 cl Cointreau
2.5 cl Fresh lime juice
0.75 cl Simple syrup
Lime wedge

The Rémy V-Ta

The Rémy V-Ta

  1. Combine 2 oz Rémy V, ½ oz Cointreau, ¾ oz fresh lime juice, and ¼ oz simple syrup in a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
  2. Shake then strain over ice into a tumbler.
  3. Optional half salt rim with lime wedge garnish.

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